
A gift that takes so little but gives so much.

Remember to stay in the moment: looking beyond yourself. Looking through lenses to see those that would otherwise be invisible, if you were focusing on what you have or don’t have. People you couldn’t see before and passed by several times, now reach your heart. A hug, a smile, words of encouragement or just listening to their story, can change someone’s day. Every story is important to God. Every human being has value.

Our world is filled with uncertainty right now. Some react with anger; some don’t react at all. All those precious people in the Ukraine that are being displaced, hurt or even killed because they want to have freedom, that we take for granted. Until I can find a way to make a difference in those people’s lives, I can show genuine kindness to those around me here. Listening to others, not assuming I know what someone needs and then reach into my bag of blessings and give. God calls us into His kingdom and Glory.

We all can be kind; in some way you can brighten someone’s day. What a priceless gift and one that we need to remember to receive.