Animals that bring Joy to our Lives

Pets aren’t for everyone but for those who do like animals know the incredible gifts they bring. 

  • They love unconditionally
  • Many are very intuitive to the needs of their parent
  • They don’t sass or talk back, at least not in words
  • They give kisses and snuggle (depending on the animal)
  • You can tell them anything and your secret is safe with them.
  • For people that don’t want to have children, they can fill a maternal or paternal place in their heart.
  • Calming and therapeutic: dogs for people with seizure disorders, dogs for those that are without sight. Animals for PTSD, anxiety or depression.

I feel I am stating the obvious. 

The Pet site is for you to share a picture of your pet and tell us something about it.

I do want to share a story. 

I had been in an abusive relationship for years; I went from being a strong-willed confident woman to a person that lost her voice. The way I coped was through an eating disorder. I was not in my 20’s or 30’s. People often associate an age with anorexia. I was a well-educated woman and successful at my career. When I got out of treatment for the eating disorder, I decided I wanted to have a horse again. We had talked about that before I left the center. I felt it would help me be stronger. Horses are amazing animals; they are intuitive, intelligent and they bond with you, if you take the time. When I looked for a horse to lease not only did I find a beautiful black mare, I found a friend full of grace, that was my trainer. She helped me through the difficult times, in so many ways. One specific way was she would nudge me past my comfort zone. She is an excellent trainer, friend and she believed in me. The first time I went to the barn I was very anxious. I had horses off and on throughout my life, but I had never been in that horrible situation. The anxiety was more about trusting someone or something not to hurt me. I remember my first day, the horse was ready for me to brush. She suddenly had a full body shake/shiver. I jumped back, felt weak and sick to my stomach. Going out to the field to bring the horse in to get ready to ride was terrifying. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I was still very vulnerable. My trainer would walk out with me for the first several times but then she said it was time I went out by myself. There were several horses in the same pasture. They were curious and playful. When several of the horses would come running to me, all at once, I thought I would get trampled. Eventually I trusted enough to go out on my own, to catch my horse. Over the years, working with LaDene, my horse, and finding out a huge animal could be so comforting, I continued to heal. Most people have heard of Equine Therapy. The therapy begins from the moment you smell the horses in the barn, touch their soft noses and continues with brushing them and riding them. I wanted to start an Equine Therapy Program with LaDene, focusing on women that had been abused and/or had eating disorders. Life went a different direction. I will say, all the people that had their horses in the stable became family. If any of them are reading this, I want to say thank you. If LaDene is reading this, I want to tell you and Jonathan I couldn’t have gotten through that time without your friendship,patience, guidance and kindness. Thank you.

I want to share a picture of the horse I was very blessed to have for a time in my life: “Iris”. Jonathan and LaDene helped me pick her out at an Auction. I almost didn’t post this picture because my cheeks were chubby! I can hear my kids giving me a hard time for saying that. 

I had three dogs, one was my therapy dog, and I had Iris. Sadly, two of my dogs have passed. I moved in 2018 and couldn’t bring Iris with me. Not having Iris and not seeing LaDene & Jonathan anymore, was a big loss. Our lives are filled with chapters, and that one will always be treasured.