Healths Journey- Swiss Cheese promotes awareness of mind, body, and soul, navigating the path to staying healthy and happy.

The management and prevention of disease and sustaining wellbeing is our goal. At Healths Journey-Swiss Cheese we share our stories, provide evidence-based information, and provide tools that may be helpful in achieving that goal. We are each unique individuals with dimensions/needs: Physical, Spiritual, Emotional/Behavior, Social, and Environment. Each interconnects our entire being.


Latest Posts

Cannabis (CHS)

Cannabis CHS, what you need to know & what to do about it. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) can be devastating and is easily misdiagnosed. The

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Living Healthy & Happy

When you hear, “healthy lifestyle” it can mean different things to people. Also, words associated with healthy lifestyle can create a visual or visceral response.

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Find the joy in the moment. Take a minute in your day! Look around you. You will find something that gives you that warm feeling

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Our Services

What We Do

Healths Journey Swiss Cheese provides well-rounded information on being healthy and offers a holistic approach to health consultation for the betterment of the whole body. We offer various services to our patients, including:

Professional beautiful happy young woman is blogging for her kitchen channel about healthy living in the kitchen

Navigation How To Eat Healthy

Guest video presentations on how to prepare specific recipes. Meal planning that can include individual meal planning that fits your lifestyle, palate, barriers you may experience, and tips on having fun with preparation.
Senior woman rejoicing health success with her instructor

Health Coach

Assisting you in identifying what your health goals are, in all the dimensions of wellbeing, and what you have found to be barriers to reaching those goals. Then helping you navigate getting started.
Happy wife with cancer and husband getting good news

Health News

Evidence supported articles, generalized medical information that answer your specific questions. Developing your problem-solving skills in one or all dimensions. Sleep Hygiene.

About Me

My Name is Michele.

I am a mom of 6 children and my profession is in medicine, as a medical provider. I am a cancer survivor and a survivor of domestic violence. I am an artist that loves to paint and sketch. A year ago, one of my friends from growing up years asked me to start a blog about the progression through my health journey. I had several illnesses newly diagnosed in 2020, including cancer. With so many people suffering, in 2020, from illness who would want to know my story. 2020 was a tough year for so many.

A handsome man and two beautiful young ladies happily taking a selfie

I have worked full-time through all of this because I love what I do. I have such incredible adult children that each one fills my heart with joy. At times they were my inspiration to keep going and try to do that joyfully. My sister is the nicest person I have met that would do anything for someone in need. My mom is my spiritual guide that provides the strength I needed to have hope. My friends, I am so blessed with friends that are kind, supportive, fun, and encouraging. My dad died at age 62 from pancreatic cancer and he lives in my heart, knowing I will see him again one day strengthens my faith.  Animals love unconditionally and ask for so little in return. My dogs are a great example of this. In the past my horse’s intuitive nature was helped in managing episodes of anxiety and to heal from trauma related to the domestic violence.

My hope, with this website, is to give back. With my professional knowledge and my experiences, I know I can help others. I feel God will make good things from all the painful times and also all the joys He has blessed me with. Humility and Grace are gifts He has given me.

Retired woman meditating and practicing yoga while sitting in lotus pose on floor at home

Salvation is by

Grace Through Faith

Healthsjourney-Swisscheese is a website to touch lives and lift spirits. As a medical provider and as a human being, I recognize how important it is to embrace each day with courage. To serve others and allow others to do for you. Every patient and every friend I encounter leaves me feeling like I am overflowing with gifts. The kind that really matters. My hope is that this website will bring laughter, tears, tools for healing, tools for living. It is a safe place to ask questions or get a virtual hug.